I am excited to be at Bedford South and starting a wonderful journey of learning, growth, and exploration with your child. As we settle into our school and classroom schedule, here is some important information about our routines, expectations, and specialists to help ensure things run smoothly. I would like to thank parents for sending in supplies on the first day of school, and money for the agendas. If you are new to the school and are having difficulty finding items on the supply list, please let us know. If at any point you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me either by phone, e-mail at tullochs@staff.ednet.ns.ca or with a note in the agenda.
Im am asking you to send in a few additional items to supplement the supply list you already sent in if, at all, possible …
- A clipboard or two, if they are lying around collecting dust.
- If you have upgraded your digital camera or video camera recently and have either in good condition that you would be willing to donate to our classroom for technology education, we would be very grateful.
Each Friday we will be celebrating student success with ‘good news’ phone calls home.
As part of our positive effective behavioral support program, students will be collecting points and working towards a month-end incentive. Students will be able to give you a better explanation of our program so don’t be shy about asking them about what we’ve been up to in the Villas!
Please complete the paperwork and return on Monday:
☐ Student Information Sheet
☐ Media Release Information
☐ Early School Closure Form
The Villas are located outside of the main Bedford South School Building, therefore, it is imperative that every student have a set of indoor shoes and their own personal water battle to refill from our classroom cooler.
Please encourage your child to check the weather before coming to school. If time also allows, have your student do a quick run through of what has been modeled in school.
Homework and Home Reading Programs will start next week. Students are expected to pass in homework every Wednesday and 2 critiques and reading logs will be passed in at the end of each month. Students are expected to pass in both on time.
Looking forward to a great year of learning together,
Mrs. T