Go to the DEN to see educator resources and forums.
Equity for Shared Whiteboard is a huge roadblock to effective and efficient IWB usage. Open up an application process so that teachers at a school who are interested in using IWB have to committ to a certain amount of PD and classroom usage.
Notebook software creates flow within a lesson because you can integrate with the content and it can become more meaningful because you can skip around, link within, and don't have to be so linear.
Eric Jensen - Learning with the Brain in Mind
Guidelines for direct instruction with new content:
IWB Best Practices
-Standard naming conventions for files and folders
-Organization of resources to a "home base"
-Conscious develment: color, font, animation
-Using existing resources:
Lesson blanks, importing PPT, Copy/Paste, Drag/Drop
Don't use bright background colors. Off white and pastel colors allow you to highlight important content.
Always check to see what you are sharing on the projector, not just the computer screen because there is a huge variance between the two screens.
The intent of IWB is for students to participate with the content. It doesn't always a mean that students have to be up at the IWB. Students can be participating from their seat.
Smart Exchange Lesson Plan Exchange - over 200 resources from Discovery education that are complete lesson plans files and are completely editable.
Using the PC Smart Board Notebook software you can import powerpoints dictly I to the Notebook software.
You can capture what is on a screen and interact on top of the video using an interactive top layer screen and then close the ink layer.
Demonstrated using Antenna1wheel video.
Integrating DE Content
Focus attention on a very specific part of eye image using a magic pen. If you use the rectangle it will zoom in on the focus area.
6 Word Stories
Green interaction living on the edge. Just won a DE hub with this story to accompany an image.
Story Boards and Digital Story Telling
NING Smartboard Revolution has over 10 000 members with ideas and strategies that are grade specific.
Ginny Washburne
Twitter: gwashburne
- Posted by Y2KTeacher using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:HRSB Spectacle Lake