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Friday, June 15, 2012

Camp Supply List

The Young Adventurers will have to bring the following appropriate items for a one night stay at Camp. Campers arriving at camp without the required equipment will be required to call home and have the required supplies brought to camp before 6 pm on June 18th.

1 sheet or mattress cover (to cover mattress provided on bunk bed in cabin)

1 pillow with case, both wrapped inside

1 sleeping bag (or decent blankets)

Packing List for 1 overnight bag (one only)

1 pair Pyjamas

2-3 prs Under-Wear

3-4 prs Socks

2 T-shirts

1 pr Jeans/Long Pants

1 pr Shorts

1 Warm Long Sleeved Sweater (for campfire)

Rain Gear (jacket with hood and pants encouraged)

1 Bathing suit and towel – no bikinis

Sneakers or similar outdoor footwear for dry outdoor activities

Rainboots or similar waterproof footwear for wet outdoor activities

Indoor footwear for Lodge and Cabins (flip-flops, slippers, nonslip socks etc)

Other Items

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Soap & Washcloth & other toiletries

Sun Screen & Hat

2 Towels (one for swimming, 1 face cloth or hand towel

Non- Aerosol Insect Repellent

Individual Water Bottle

Garbage bag for laundry/wet gear

1 sharpie marker for signing camp T-shirts

$5-$6.00 for Tuck Shop

Positive Mental Attitude!