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Monday, March 4, 2013

How to Support Students Who Engage in Bullying Behavior

Like any academic subject, we must teach and give support to students to learn how to:

1. Recognize and manage their emotions.
2. Make good decisions.
3. Behave ethically and responsibly.
4. Engage in healthy relationships.

Children who engage in bullying Behavior need support in understanding:
1. The impact of their Behavior.
2. The importance of relating positively to others.

We have to teaches rushers who to reduce natural tendencies to use power aggressively.

© Y2kTeacher 2013

Location:Kendra Windala

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Technology Integration PD Lots of great links worth exploring. This is a great format for a whole school technology integration PD session!!

Tag My Document - digitally share documents through a QRC code.

Headphones - allow students to listen to their own music to block out distractions during independent work time.
Technology is revolutionizing the world of education – replacing familiar classroom tools and changing the way we learn. MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions – covering cultural and technology trends, groundbreaking research, education policy and more. The site is curated by Tina Barseghian, a journalist and the mother of a grade-schooler.

CNN Student News -

Story Bird

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Spectacle Lake Dr,Dartmouth,Canada

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Report Card Envelopes

The following students still need to return their signed report card envelopes:
Alex P., Colton, Hamad, Mariah, Niko, Olivia, Sam, Shervin, Stephen

Monday, December 10, 2012

Classroom Meeting Notes

  • A student mentioned that students are not all taking care of their paperwork.  We need to put more emphasis into picking up after ourselves. 
  • Paperwork is a problem for students near the file folders.
  • Everyone wants their binders on the first shelf
  • Some students really have to squeeze into their seats
  • Cultural differences are well respected in out classroom
  • Maybe we could have an extra desk at the front of the room for the file folders. 
  • The artwork on display looks great and really is wonderful in our classroom
  • At the end of the day, students just want to rush out of the class to get home and leave a big mess around their desks
  • Instruments are being left behind; pencils are on the floor; and bins are not neatly piled on top of chairs
  • As soon as the bell goes, people think they are done and everybody jumps up to leave and the teacher has to yell.
  • People are not doing their jobs!!!
  • We tend to be very disorganized!
  • It was suggested that we spend 5 minutes before the bell rings getting our classroom cleaned up
  • We should have a designated spot got our instruments that don’t fit in our locker
  • Some jobs require more substance because there is not a lot to some jobs!
  • Sometimes you have to help out even if it isn’t your job.
  • Hammad misses his job of turning on or off the projector
  • Tidying up is a great option if you finish your work early!
  • Some jobs need to be eliminated and others created such as “Turn On/Off Computer” should be swapped for “Binder Organizers”
  • There need to be consequences of not cleaning up after yourself.
  • Tweeter job/classroom news

Thursday, November 29, 2012


WANTED:  Renewable vs Non-Renewable Resources
November 28, 2012
Alex Prud’homme
John Pickett
Joud Ghazal
Mariah Sheppard
Niko Negulic
Olivia Bezanson
Reem Mustafa
Ryan Dunphy
Sam Fox
Shahd Khartabil
Shervin Nejat
Stephen Oakley-Fleming
Tanmay Gupta
Veronica Woodrow
Zainab Alkhatib


WANTED:  Mystery Monday, November 26, 2012
Alex Prud’homme
Caleb Titus
John Pickett




WANTED:  STEM and LEAF Plot Medium November 27, 2008
Alex Cochrane
Alex Prud’homme
Andrew Wehbe
Caleb Titus
Colton Fox
John Pickett
Reem Mustafa
Ryan Dunphy
Sam Fox
Shahd Khartabil
Shervin Nejat
Tanmay Gupta
Zainab Alkhatib


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

WANTED: Space Brochures

The following students have not submitted their SPACE Brochures which were due today:
  • Niko
  • John
  • Caleb
  • Zainab
  • Colton
  • Joud
  • Tanmay

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Missing Homework for October 23rd

Math homework is missing from the following students:
Alex P, Alex C, Andrew, Colton, Hamad, Joud, Niko, Reem, Ryan, Shervin, Tanmay, Zainab

Saturday, October 20, 2012

DEN Virtual Conference Session 2: That’s a Keeper! Reeling in Top Resources

All of the links for this presentation are available at

On-line binders -

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


DEN Virtual Conference: 10 Common Challenges We All Face

Google Books- embed free bogs into your blog so students can have access to the document without having to print out resources. - refines books according to 10 different levels

Research beyond wikipedia - helps narrow down search terms and refine search terms

Advanced google search panel is also AWESOME! Search by site, domain name, last updated date, or excluding certain words.

US Curriculum

Make Beliefs Comix - weekly writing prompts

Great tool for sub plans - vocaroo

Great tool for creating booklets with sound,etc.that can easily be added to your website.

- Create a Facebook fan page for students to stay connected onlinethrough their facebook new feeds.

Text message parents for quick output of important information.

Designing our own PD


Richard Byrne -

Posted by Y2kTeacher using BlogPress from my iPad


Monday, October 15, 2012

EduPortal: A Gateway to Resources for all Teaciahers in Nova Scot

DOE Web Links (on the right)
  • Links are listed alphabetically
  • Curriculum Cart - Finalized curriculum documents
  • Educator Site - Includes Draft Sites
  • Learning Resources & Technology Services

DOE Resources(on the left)
  • EBSCO - Articles are already listed with the MLA style citation; a reader is available within it.
  • Learn 360 Video Catalogue User ID: AST2012 PW: learn360

Documents to Go?  Why would this be an acceptable APP? 
  • Running records
  • Kids read to listen to their own fluency
  • Songs
  • Story ideas
  • Brainstorming
  • Viewfinders
  • Claymation videos
  • Photostory
  • Mathematics thinking
  • Podcasts
  • Documentaries
  • Use audacity to perform running records independently using audacity.  This way you can have the students doing the assessment while you are otherwise engaged. 
Point to View Document Cameras:

  • Students can create their work on iPad or in notebook and then display in
  • Mark-up (
  • jng

Monday, October 8, 2012

Multiplication Practice

Race in the diaper dirby and other fun games to increase the speed of your multiplication facts!

A Refresher Course in Mental Math Strategies


Break Up the Numbers Strategy
This strategy is used when regrouping is required.  One of the addends is broken up into its expanded form and added in parts to the other addend.  For example 57 + 38 might be calculated in this way: 57 + 30 is 87 and 8 more is 95.

Front-End (left to right) Strategy
This commonly used strategy involves adding the front-end digits and proceeding to the right, keeping a running total in your head.  For example, 124 + 235 might be calculated in the following way: Three hundred (200 + 100), fifty (20+30) nine (4 + 5).

Rounding for Estimation
Rounding involves substituting one or more numbers with “friendlier” numbers with which to work.  For example, 784 + 326 might be rounded as 800 + 300 or 1100.

Front-End Estimation
This strategy involves adding from the left and then grouping the numbers in order to adjust the estimate.  For example 5239 + 2667 might be calculated in the following way: Seven thousand (5000 + 2000), eight hundred (600 +200) – no, make that 900 (39 and 67 is about another hundred).  That’s about 7900

Compatible Number Strategy
Compatible numbers are number pairs that go together to make “friendly” numbers.  That is, numbers that are easy to work with.  To add 78 + 25 for example you might add 75 + 25 to make 100 and then add 3 to make 103.

Near Compatible Estimation
Knowledge of the compatible numbers that are used for mental calculations is used for estimation.  For example, in estimating 76 + 45 + 19 +26 +52, one might do the following mental calculation: 76 + 26 and 52 + 45 sum to about 100.  Add the 19.  The answer is about 219.

Balancing Strategy
A variation of the compatible number strategy, this strategy involves taking one or more from one addend and adding it to the other.  For example, 68 + 57 becomes 70 + 55 (add 2 to 68 and take 2 from 57)

Clustering in Estimation
Clustering involves grouping addends and determining the average.  For example, when estimating 53 + 47 + 48 + 58 +52, notice that the addends cluster around 50.  The estimate would be 250 (5 x 50)
Special Tens Strategy
In the early grades, students learn the number of pairs that total ten – 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, and so on.  These can be extended to such combinations as 10 and 90, 300 and 700, etc.

Compensation Strategy
In this stage, you substitute a compatible number for one of the numbers so that you can more easily compute mentally.  For example, in doing the calculation 47 + 29 one might think (47 + 30) – 1.

Consecutive Number Strategy
When adding three consecutive numbers, the sum is three times the middle number.

Compatible Number Estimation
Knowledge of compatible numbers can be used to find an estimate when subtracting.  Look for the near compatible pairs.  For example when subtracting 1014 – 766, one might think of the 750 – 250 pairing.

Front-End Strategy
When there is no need to carry, simply subtract from left to right.  To subtract 368 – 125 think 300 – 100 = 200, 60 – 20 = 40, 8 – 5 = 3.  The answer is 234.

Front-End Estimation
For questions with no carrying in the highest two place values, simply subtract those place values for a quick estimation.  For example, the answer to $465.98 - $345.77 is about $120.00

Compatible Numbers Strategy
This works well for powers of 10.  Think what number will make the power of 10.  For example, to subtract 100 – 54, think what goes with 54 to make 100.  The answer is 46.

Equal Additions Strategy for Subtraction
This strategy avoids regrouping.  You add the same number to both the subtrahend and minuend to provide a “friendly” number for subtracting, then subtract.  For example, to subtract 84 – 58, add too to both numbers to give 86 – 60.  This can be done mentally.  The answer is 26.

Compensation Strategy for Subtraction
As with addition, subtract the “friendly” number and add the difference.  For example, $3.27 - $0.98 – ($3.27 - $1.00) + $0.02 = $2.29

“Counting On” Strategy for Subtraction
Visualize the numbers on a number line.  For example, 110 – 44.  You need 6 to make 50 from 44, then 50 to make 100, then another 10.  The answer is 56.

“Counting On” Estimation
“Counting On” can also be used for estimation.  For example, to estimate 894 – 652, think that 652 + 200 gives about 850.  Then another 50 gives about 900.  The difference is about 250.

Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 Strategy
Instead of counting zeros and adding them on, students use the concept of annexing zeros.  For example, multiplying tens by tens gives hundreds, tens by hundreds gives thousands, hundreds by hundreds results in ten thousands and thousands by thousands results in millions.

Multiplying by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 Strategy
Students need to realize that these decimals represent 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000.  They should think about groups of 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s.

Compatible Factors Strategy
This strategy involves using the Associative Property and looking for “friendly” combinations to multiply.  For example, in multiplying 4 x 76 x 250, one might rearrange the numbers to make the calculation easier.  4 x 250 = 1000 and 1000 multiplied by 76 gives 76 000.

Multiple Compatible Factors Strategy
Students show the numbers as their factors and then regroup to develop numbers that are easier to work with.  For example, 16 x 75 can be written as 4 x 4 x 3 25.  4 x 25 = 100 and 4 x 3 = 12.  The answer is 1200.

Squaring Numbers Strategy
Students learn that there is a pattern when squaring numbers that end in 5.  For example, the answer always ends with 25.

Round to Estimate Multiplication
Use rounding to estimate factors with two digits.  For example, when multiplyi8ng 58 x 32, round to 60 x 30.  The answer is about 1800.

Percentage/Fraction Connection
To find common percentages, think of the percentage as a fraction and divide by the denominator.  For example, 50% of $25 is half of $25.  Divide by 2.  The answer is $12.50

Estimating Percent Using 1%, 10%, and 100%
As in multiplying 0., students need to consider that they are looking to 1/10 of a number.

Front-End Multiplication Strategy
This is usually used when one factor is a single digit and there is no regrouping.  For example, 3 x 2313 = 6000 + 900 + 30 + 9 = 6939

Compensation Strategy for Multiplication
As with addition and subtraction, work with “friendly” numbers.  For example, 5 x 29 – 5 x 30 -5 – 145.

Double and Half Strategy
Make numbers easier to multiply by doubling one factor and halving the other to provide a “nice” number.  For example, 16 x 35 = 8 x 70 = 560.

Multiplying by 11 Strategy
Have students look for a pattern in the product.  They will see that, in answers to questions such as 44 x 11, the first number of the answer is the tens digit of the factor that is not 11, the middle number is the sum of the two numbers of the factor that is not 11, and the final number is the ones digit of the factor that is not 11.  The answer is 484.

Further Multiplying by 11 Strategy
When the sum of the middle number above is greater than 9, add the remainder to the tens digit of the factor that is not 11 and proceed as above.  So 84 x 11 = 924.

The Percentage/Fraction Connection
Students learn that a knowledge of common fractions is helpful when calculating percentages.  For example, 20% is 1/5 and 25% is ¼.  So to find 20%, divide by 5, etc.

Break Dividend Into Parts Strategy
For many simple computations, divide the dividend into parts and divide.  For example, 1515 / 5 = (1500 / 5) + (15 / 5) = 300 + 3 = 303.

Double and Half Estimation
Double both number of the dividend to get “friendly” numbers and then estimate.  For example, 72 / 3.5.  72 doubled is about 140.  3.5 doubles is 7.  The answer is about 20.

Double and Half Strategy
This can be used to simplify dividing..  For example, 48 / 5 is the same as 96 / 10.

“Think Multiplication” Estimation
For example, to divide 2088 by 7, think what number you multiply 7 by to get 2088.  Seven times 300 is 2100.

Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000
Students learn when dividing by powers of 10 occurs, the place value of the last digit of the dividend changes according to the divisor.  For example, dividing tens by tens gives units, hundreds by tens gives tens, etc.

 Dividing by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001
Students should recognize that when dividing by powers of 10 with negative exponents they can write an equivalent multiplication statement using powers of 10.  for example, dividing by 0.1 is the same as multiplying by 10.

Common Zeros
You can factor our powers of ten from the dividend and divisor for an expression that is easier to calculate.  For example 3600 / 120 is the same as 360 / 12.

Never Divide by 5 Again!
Have students use the double and half strategy to simplify all division by 5.  for example 520 / 5 is the same as 1040 / 10.

McNab's Field Trip this Thursday

Just a reminder to all families that our trip to McNab's is this THURSDAY. Parents accompanying us are: Megan's Mom, Andrew's Dad, and John's Dad.  Please remember to dress in layers and bring at least 1L of water, a healthy lunch and snacks for the morning and afternoon.  Comfy athletic footwear is also essential as it will be an activity packed day.  Drop off will be at DeWolfe Park by the wooden play structure at 8:00 and pickup will be at 4:00 at the same location. If you would like your child to be able to walk home from the park please send in a note prior to Thursday morning.  Thanks for your support!