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Monday, June 13, 2011

Decimal and Fractions Test

Here are the things you need to study and be confident with before your test tomorrow

  • Numbers in Standard Form -- For example 8 quarters, 3 dimes & 6 pennies = $2.36
  • Fractions to Decimals -- For example 516/1000 = 0.516 or 516/100 = 5.16
  • Greater Than or Less Than -- Use >, <, or =
  • Order Decimals to the Hunderdths  -- For example, 0.57, 0.578, 0.55, 0.5 from greatest to least is 0.578, 0.57, 0.55, 0.5
  • Give a Decimal, Mixed Fraction and Picture to Match a Word Form  -- For example, three and fifty six hundredths is 3.56, 3 56/100 + Picture)
  • Rounding Decimals to the Hundredths ( 21.389 rounded to the nearest ones = 21, 21.389 rounded to the nearest tenths = 21.4, 21.389 rounded to the nearest hunderedths = 21.39)
  • Estimating Sums and Differences to the Nearest Whole Number -- For example, 8.67+9.35 = 18
  • Estimating Products and Quotients (For example, 20.3 x 4 = 80)
  • Different Real World Uses of Decimals - Money, Grocery Shopping, Food, Doctors (weight, height, medicine quantities).
  • Word Problems Using the 3-Read Strategy - !st Read-Visualize, 2nd Read-Gather Facts, 3rd Read - Check the Facts, then SOLVE! 
If you are not sure about any of these concepts, check your duo-tang or search for a video on the blog.

Good luck showing what you know about Decimals and Fractions!