A big thank you to all students and parents who have returned the two forms sent home on the first day of school. The following forms are still outstanding and would be appreciated back as soon as possible as a new batch of paperwork will be going home with the school newsletter next week.
Missing Student Info:
Olivia, Ryan, Colton, Tanmay, Mohammad, Shervin, Alex P
Missing Introducing Your Child:
Ryan, Colton, Shervin,
Missing Agenda Money $10:
I will post copies of the forms online in case they have been misplaced.
Missing Student Info:
Olivia, Ryan, Colton, Tanmay, Mohammad, Shervin, Alex P
Missing Introducing Your Child:
Ryan, Colton, Shervin,
Missing Agenda Money $10:
I will post copies of the forms online in case they have been misplaced.