- We will always have fun.
- We will not judge others.
- We will take risks with our learning.
- We will always include others in activities.
- We will be quick and quiet during transitions.
- We will always be up for new things.
- There are no problems; only solutions.
- We will respect people's differences.
- We will work as a class.
- We will not rush through our work and will finish things in a reasonable time frame.
- We will keep our classroom and our belongings organized.
- We will respect others and the teacher.
- We will control our blurt out's.
- We will wait patiently for our turn.
- We will treat others the way we want to be treated.
- We will always be active listeners.
- We will not judge a book by its cover.
- We will be quiet and responsible during fire drills and other emergencies.
- We will try to eliminate anxiety in our classroom.
- We will be honest and take responsibility for our actions.
- We will try our best.
- We will let Mrs. Tulloch drink her coffee in peace.
- We will follow our class rules.
Welcome to our blog. I hope you will enjoy reading our posts and staying informed about what is new in our classroom. Visit often and stay in tune with what we're up to.