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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2/3 Tulloch - Word Work Program January - June 2010

Each week students will use their word work words to complete 15 points in word work activities. Students must use all activities once, before repeating any activities.
Please label your work with the activity name and number, then color the activity square so that you know you have already completed that particular activity.
The following activities are worth 5 points each:

1 - No Vowels Allowed
Recopy each of your word work words, omitting the vowels. Use a star to take the place of each missing vowel (vowels are a, e, I, o, u and sometimes y)
you must write the complete word and the word with the missing vowels
Example: beautiful – b***t*f*l

2 - Word Pyramids
For each word work word, make a pyramid by writing the word, beginning with one letter, then two letters, continuing until you have written the entire word.
Example: have h

3 - Words in Color
Write the letters of each word in a fancy and colorful way.

4 - Cursive Practice
Recopy each of your word work words in your best cursive writing. If you are in grade two, have a parent model the cursive word for you.

5 - Type It
Type your word work words on the computer. Print it off and paste into your notebook. If you are unable to print it, have your parents write a note in you notebook.

6 - Delicious Words
Write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter or anything else you can eat
Write a note in your notebook about what you wrote your words in, have your parents sign the note.

7 - Alphabetical Order
Recopy your words in alphabetical order. Be extra careful when two words begin with the same letter.

8 - Reverse Alphabetical Order
Recopy each of your word work words in your best cursive writing.

9 - Picture It
Draw and color a picture to represent each word
Write the word under or beside the picture

10 - Word Scramble
Create a word scramble for each of your word work words.
Mix up the letters in each word so they are not in the correct order
Write the word correctly beside it.
Example: dwor - word

11 - Other Handed
Write your list words with the opposite hand that you normally write with
Beside each word, write it with your correct hand.

12 – Better Letters
Copy each word from your list. Copy it a second time using fancy letters.
Example: wish –

13 - Rhyme Time
Write each list word,
Beside it, write a rhyming word.
Example: school - drool

14 - Test Time
Give your parents or another adult a word work test! Have them write the words in your notebook, then correct their work!

15 – Box Words
Write your word work words, draw a box around each letter (short, tall, long)
16 - Handy Words
Trace both of your hands onto your paper.
Write a list word on each of the fingers.
The following activities are worth 10 points each:

17 - Telephone Words
Use the telephone keypad to translate your words into numbers.
Example: cake- 2253, friend – 374363, dinner – 346637
Next, add up the value of your word list
2253 + 374,363 + 346,637 = 723,253

18 - Word Explosions
For each of your word work words do a word explosion with at least three words
freshest refreshing
fresher Fresh refresh

19 - Poetry
Write a poem with your word work words
Underline each word work word.

20 - Silly Sentences
Write silly sentences for each of your word work words

21 - Word work Sentences
Write a sentence for each of your word work words.
Underline each word work word.

22 - Triple Action
Write your word work words three times each

The following activities are worth 15 points each:

23 - Tell a Tale
Write an original tale using your list words.
Think about the five W’s (who, when, where, what, why and how)
Underline each word work word.

24 - Search-A-Word Puzzle
Create a search-a-word puzzle using your ten word work words.
You may find graph paper useful for this activity
Please include an answer key

25 - Crossword
Create a search-a-word puzzle using your ten word work words.
You may find graph paper useful for this activity
Please include an answer key

26 - Jeopardy
Create a riddle for each of your word work words, using the words as your answers.
Example: abundance – What happens in a bakery when you turn the music on? A bun dance

27 -Definitions
write the definition (not a sentence) for each of your word work words

28 - Word Hunt
Search through printed materials (newspaper, magazines, etc.) for your list words, or create your list words with individual letters cut from printed materials.
Paste these into your notebook